1. Introduction

1. Introduction

1.1 Background Research 

We found that salt is used to melt ice in countries where the weather gets very cold and where ice forms on roads, sidewalks, and other similar locomotive forms. The salt is used on the icy sidewalks to melt the ice, making them less slippery. We also found out that saltwater is very important to life on Earth, as without saltwater, fresh water bodies will have higher melting points without salt concentrations, and would freeze more easily, which causes fishes in those frozen water bodies to die, and saltwater fishes would not exist, which means the whole biological system on Earth is affected.

1.2 Research Questions 

How does the concentration of salt water affect the melting point of ice?

      1.3 Hypothesis

The higher the concentration of salt, the lower the melting point of ice will be.

1.3.1 Independent Variables 

  • Concentration of salt

1.3.2 Dependent Variables 

  • Melting point of ice

1.3.3 Constants 

  • Amount of water

  • Type of cup used

  • Kind of lid used for the cups

  • Straw size and shape

  • Kind of temperature probe/data logger used
