Annex A -- Group Research Proposal

 Salt lowers the freezing point of ice and the freezing and boiling point of water due to a chemical reaction between the ice and the salt. This is known as ‘Freezing Point Depression’.

Thus, this research is essential because as salt decreases ice’s melting point, it may make the lives of people who live in cold places easier. An example of this is that salt was used on icy sidewalks in cold countries to melt the icy sidewalks faster, causing the path to be less slippery.

Salt can be used to make ice cream. Why? Because, salt lets the temperature of the ice water around the ice cream container drop below the melting point of pure water; it makes it colder than just plain ice and freezes the ice cream.

When the ionic compound salt is added to the equation, it lowers the water’s freezing point, which means the ice on the ground can’t freeze that water layer at 0°C anymore. However, the water can still melt the ice at that temperature, which results in less ice on the roads. 

There is no societal impact from our research as we are only testing a phenomenon used to melt ice in  -°C, which is already well known.
